Preventing/Reducing Crime in Roma Community

Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner's Fund this   projecis funded by Suffolk Police though Suffolk Community Foundation  to  Preventing/Reducing Crime in Roma Community

Union Romani Voice was recently succesful for 1 year to deliver the project in Roma Community.

As part of this we will be delivering Roma workshop/ sessions in schools across Ipswich to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour.  

Union Romani Voice is in partnership with secondary schools cross Ipswich: Westbourne Academy (workshop/session will be on 06th June) Chanty Academy, Northgate High School. Copleston High School

Community Safety - Ipswich Borough Council (Anti-social Behaviour activities)

This project will take place within the areas of Maple Park and Gipping Wards.

We plan to work with Ipswich Borough Council to explore and ask how those present in the area could become involved with improving the area and reducing littering.

Roma Support - Free Services

In Union Romani Voice drop-in sessions, 5 days per week

FREE Information, Advice, Guidance and Advocacy on Immigration, Housing, Benefits, Debt, EUSS, Visa, Rights in the UK, Employment, Education, Health, Wellbeing, Family Counselling, Clime Change which helped to tackle an individual’s practical needs and barriers while ensuring a feeling of safety and security.


Union Romani Voice (front lane staff) will help with anything to support people in the Roma community with any issues they may face.